Monday, 13 April 2009


I hate perempuan yg gedik2.

If it's a young girl, it's still ok, still acceptable. girls are suppose to be gedik.. it's in their nature ( yeke? hehe)

But if yg gedik2 tu is a middle age woman who by the way is married and have kids, oh, i cannot accept that! it's very2 annoying!! makes me wanna slap her face!

Thank God she's not my friend, all my friends are sensible women :) 

That's all, thank you.


  1. Akak,

    all my friends are sensible women, so saya dikategorikan TIDAK GEDIK la eks...sebab saya kawan akak...hehe :D

    Oh, sape la yg tergedik2 tue..blh share citer? hehe..

  2. may I know...who is this person? cam best lak..lama dah tk ngumpat...heheh
