insyaAllah,tomorrow i'll be going back to my hometown,taking leave until my baby comes out.sadly there's no internet at my parent's house so i won't be updating this blog for a while.. camne ye, 2 bln lebih tanpa internet? must be akward.hehe. but nevermind, when my baby comes out nanti i'm sure i'll be busy with her, and no time for anything else :)
so i'm signing off here, till i come back to work in august insyaAllah..doakan semuanya selamat..
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Monday, 26 May 2008
i hate waiting!
one of my flaw is that i really hate waiting. i just can't stand waiting too long for something. i'm a bit impatient.huhu..
earlier today i went to the hospital, to see O&G as part of regular checkup. it was a nightmare! on the appointment letter, my appmnt was at 9 a.m. so i bertolak from home at 8 a.m., sampai jer, tgk2 org dah penuh, sampai kena berdiri menunggu giliran! yg peliknya, sampai2 tu kena letak dl buku checkup tu dlm kotak, since my appmnt was 9am, so i put it in the 9am labelled box. then kena tggu the kerani call your name. that took abount an hour. then she gave your nombor giliran. mine was 3077, and current number is 3032.hah! berpuluh2 lagi tu..
so kena la duduk lg...tunggu lg..after an hour, again they called my name. kena gi timbang,take urine sample and blood pressure. kelakar betul, in the toilet, kene menunggu plak nurse tu datang ambil urine sample tu..ramai giler beratur dlm toilet tu. after that, kena tunggu lg about half an hour or so, barula nombor naik..barula can see the pakar O&G. pakar tu xdela cek best sgt pun, just belek2 buku rawatan, tanya2 psl my health, then scan the baby. sekejap sgt! xsampai 10 minit dah selesai! menunggu punya la lama, xberbaloi betul rasanya! wasting my precious time. kalau 2 jam stengah tu, i was in my office, macam2 kerja i could do! buang masa...
i ingatkan masa menunggu hosp. krjn has been reduced to 30 minutes per patient? more like 2 hours to me.hmm..the people in charge in this matter should pay more attention on this matter.they should put their feet in our shoes. penat wooo for pregnant mother nak me for example, awal2 tu sebab terlalu ramai kena berdiri dkt stgh jam, barula dpt duduk, itupun one of the nurse sediakan kerusi tambahan utk duduk. lenguh kaki berdiri xleh nak cite la..tambah2 dah time2 sarat camni. yg peliknya, bilik dr. ada 9, and inside the room ada 2 doktor, but why the waiting time was still long???? misteri betul!
hmm...waiting..waiting..waiting.. mana2 pi pun still kena menunggu! xpela, nxt week dah nak cuti, balik kpg, nak rehat2, sambil menunggu my baby comes out..waiting lagi! tp this is the only waiting that i don't mind :)
earlier today i went to the hospital, to see O&G as part of regular checkup. it was a nightmare! on the appointment letter, my appmnt was at 9 a.m. so i bertolak from home at 8 a.m., sampai jer, tgk2 org dah penuh, sampai kena berdiri menunggu giliran! yg peliknya, sampai2 tu kena letak dl buku checkup tu dlm kotak, since my appmnt was 9am, so i put it in the 9am labelled box. then kena tggu the kerani call your name. that took abount an hour. then she gave your nombor giliran. mine was 3077, and current number is 3032.hah! berpuluh2 lagi tu..
so kena la duduk lg...tunggu lg..after an hour, again they called my name. kena gi timbang,take urine sample and blood pressure. kelakar betul, in the toilet, kene menunggu plak nurse tu datang ambil urine sample tu..ramai giler beratur dlm toilet tu. after that, kena tunggu lg about half an hour or so, barula nombor naik..barula can see the pakar O&G. pakar tu xdela cek best sgt pun, just belek2 buku rawatan, tanya2 psl my health, then scan the baby. sekejap sgt! xsampai 10 minit dah selesai! menunggu punya la lama, xberbaloi betul rasanya! wasting my precious time. kalau 2 jam stengah tu, i was in my office, macam2 kerja i could do! buang masa...
i ingatkan masa menunggu hosp. krjn has been reduced to 30 minutes per patient? more like 2 hours to me.hmm..the people in charge in this matter should pay more attention on this matter.they should put their feet in our shoes. penat wooo for pregnant mother nak me for example, awal2 tu sebab terlalu ramai kena berdiri dkt stgh jam, barula dpt duduk, itupun one of the nurse sediakan kerusi tambahan utk duduk. lenguh kaki berdiri xleh nak cite la..tambah2 dah time2 sarat camni. yg peliknya, bilik dr. ada 9, and inside the room ada 2 doktor, but why the waiting time was still long???? misteri betul!
hmm...waiting..waiting..waiting.. mana2 pi pun still kena menunggu! xpela, nxt week dah nak cuti, balik kpg, nak rehat2, sambil menunggu my baby comes out..waiting lagi! tp this is the only waiting that i don't mind :)
Friday, 23 May 2008
face change again..
My blog berubah lg..hehe. this time i designed the header myself (sebab tu nampak cam xperfect jer) and match it with suitable body, background and text colour. nampak cam serabut ke kaler oren tu? gambar bunga tu i found somewhere in cyberspace, then i change the colour a bit then did some more editing until it became a header (using photoshop).
but this layout is not complete yet. i still don't know how to change the main body background to picture instead of plain colour. tadi dah try, tp xperfect, jadi ntah ape2 tah, pening kpale, malas nak buat dah..nanti bile dah blaja menda tu insyaAllah, this blog's layout akan berubah lg..kirenye ni my own blog layout versi beta la ni..akan di upgrade to full version later, hopefully.
but this layout is not complete yet. i still don't know how to change the main body background to picture instead of plain colour. tadi dah try, tp xperfect, jadi ntah ape2 tah, pening kpale, malas nak buat dah..nanti bile dah blaja menda tu insyaAllah, this blog's layout akan berubah lg..kirenye ni my own blog layout versi beta la ni..akan di upgrade to full version later, hopefully.
Friday, 16 May 2008
rezki yg tak disangka
IELTS result was out today.i got more than i expected. Alhamdulilliah..rezki baby la tu, sama2 studi ngan ummi die, sama2 amik exam aritu :) i scored in both reading n listening.speaking n writing, dapat band yg tinggi dr what i expected. especially speaking. sebab aritu rasa cam mengarut je banyak. tp rasanya mmg die not too strict for speaking tu la, sebab ramai yg sblm2 ni amik IELTS pun speaking dpt OK gak. agaknya die just want to see sama ada kite boleh bercakap or tak je for writing, ms amik exam tu, dpt tajuk yg OK, utk task 1 line graph, task 2 pun boleh goreng la isi die..alhamdulillah.
tp aritu mmg study hard utk the exam.yg secara intensifnya 2 mggu terakhir before the exam. bahan2 utk study banyak,dpt dari intenet, mrs ema, miss D, miss fizz. itupun xsempat buat semua, sebab xcukup masa. tp mmg need A LOT of exercise. kawan2 yg nak amik IELTS nanti, u must do a lot of practice,make sure cover everything, n pay extra attention to the part that you're weak. for me that would be TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN for reading, labeling a map for listening, and of course both writing task!
for writing tu, i studied dgn cara i wrote my essay then compared it with band 9 answer. of course, kite punye akan jauh beza from the band 9 answer, mmg menyedihkan, but then dari situ la kite blh tgk apa kelemahan kite n try to improve. one more thing, kene la rajin2kan diri study balik grammar.ada markah tau for grammar n vocab.. i admit, my grammar is just so-so, slalu gak wat silap :) To improve vocab: hmmm..yg ni susah sket, kene le rajin membaca. sambil2 wat reading exercisestu, cilok je prkataan best2 dari passage yg kite bace tu..
listening-must pay full attention n focus.hati2 ngan words ending with 's" and kata nama khas yg perlu capital letter.yg tu kalau salah, rugi markah. biasakan diri dgr mp3 for listening ni..listening 1-3 ok, boleh catch up,sebab die pause n pecahkan soalan2 yg 4 tu,mmg kena pay full attention, sebab die suh kite jawab sume soalan trus.kekadang tak terkejar! buat latihan byk2 supaya blh improve your listening skill.
utk reading,mmg no choice-kena buat a lot of exercise, sampai rasa nak muntah.hehe. passage 1 n 2 are ok, passage 3 tu yg susah giller biasenye, bahasa die ilmiah sgt! so buatla byk2 latihan,buat yg susah2, sambil2 tu develop your own strategy, camne nak jawab sesuatu soalan tu..
speaking..hehe speaking ni susah nk ckp. hnya org yg dh gi exam tu je yg tau camne rasa die. very scary situation, jantung rasa cam dah jatuh ke lantai time speaking tu. tp one trick that i learned form mrs ema (TQ vr much, wajib blanje nih!) is to prepare your script earlier.mmgla kite xtau ape soalan yg akan ditanya, tp soalan biasanya berulang2, so kite try jawab n sediakan skrip seberapa banyak yg mampu, n nanti dkt2 nak exam go through the script. it works, really!like me aritu, bila ditanya soalan psl garden n museum, trus tringat skrip yg dah blh jawab la,walaupun xselancar dlm skrip, but it'll save you time of finding the idea what to say :) time ketaq2 camtu, susah woo nak kuarkan idea..hehe
well, i'm not an expert..biasa2 je.apa yg dapat tu rezki yg tak disangka yg Allah dah bagi.Alhamdulillah..mmg terbukti, tawakkal (usaha+doa) kepada Allah tu la jalan penyelesaian terbaik bagi apa jugak yg kite nak lakukan.. i can't help but smile all day long today.. :)
tp aritu mmg study hard utk the exam.yg secara intensifnya 2 mggu terakhir before the exam. bahan2 utk study banyak,dpt dari intenet, mrs ema, miss D, miss fizz. itupun xsempat buat semua, sebab xcukup masa. tp mmg need A LOT of exercise. kawan2 yg nak amik IELTS nanti, u must do a lot of practice,make sure cover everything, n pay extra attention to the part that you're weak. for me that would be TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN for reading, labeling a map for listening, and of course both writing task!
for writing tu, i studied dgn cara i wrote my essay then compared it with band 9 answer. of course, kite punye akan jauh beza from the band 9 answer, mmg menyedihkan, but then dari situ la kite blh tgk apa kelemahan kite n try to improve. one more thing, kene la rajin2kan diri study balik grammar.ada markah tau for grammar n vocab.. i admit, my grammar is just so-so, slalu gak wat silap :) To improve vocab: hmmm..yg ni susah sket, kene le rajin membaca. sambil2 wat reading exercisestu, cilok je prkataan best2 dari passage yg kite bace tu..
listening-must pay full attention n focus.hati2 ngan words ending with 's" and kata nama khas yg perlu capital letter.yg tu kalau salah, rugi markah. biasakan diri dgr mp3 for listening ni..listening 1-3 ok, boleh catch up,sebab die pause n pecahkan soalan2 yg 4 tu,mmg kena pay full attention, sebab die suh kite jawab sume soalan trus.kekadang tak terkejar! buat latihan byk2 supaya blh improve your listening skill.
utk reading,mmg no choice-kena buat a lot of exercise, sampai rasa nak muntah.hehe. passage 1 n 2 are ok, passage 3 tu yg susah giller biasenye, bahasa die ilmiah sgt! so buatla byk2 latihan,buat yg susah2, sambil2 tu develop your own strategy, camne nak jawab sesuatu soalan tu..
speaking..hehe speaking ni susah nk ckp. hnya org yg dh gi exam tu je yg tau camne rasa die. very scary situation, jantung rasa cam dah jatuh ke lantai time speaking tu. tp one trick that i learned form mrs ema (TQ vr much, wajib blanje nih!) is to prepare your script earlier.mmgla kite xtau ape soalan yg akan ditanya, tp soalan biasanya berulang2, so kite try jawab n sediakan skrip seberapa banyak yg mampu, n nanti dkt2 nak exam go through the script. it works, really!like me aritu, bila ditanya soalan psl garden n museum, trus tringat skrip yg dah blh jawab la,walaupun xselancar dlm skrip, but it'll save you time of finding the idea what to say :) time ketaq2 camtu, susah woo nak kuarkan idea..hehe
well, i'm not an expert..biasa2 je.apa yg dapat tu rezki yg tak disangka yg Allah dah bagi.Alhamdulillah..mmg terbukti, tawakkal (usaha+doa) kepada Allah tu la jalan penyelesaian terbaik bagi apa jugak yg kite nak lakukan.. i can't help but smile all day long today.. :)
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Some tips on the early weeks
Atas permintaan mrs N (bukan nama sebenar), disenaraikan beberapa tips di awal pregnancy. i'm not an expert on this, anak pun br nak masuk seorang. these tips are some of the useful tips that i gathered from my O&G doctor, nurses, internet, books, magazines, and pesan org2 yg hopefully dapat membantu :)
A. Must EAT!
1. Folic Acid - for baby's brain development, very important in early pregnancy
2. Milk - for calcium, if our calcium intake is insufficient, our baby will take the calcium they need from our bones, nanti tulang kite reput daaa..
3. Food rich in iron, such as daging, bayam, kerang etc. - to maintain our hemoglobin level(needed to prevent anemia) tp klu makan byk sgt, blh sembelit lak! so moderation is the key here..
B. Avoid eating these:
1. Nenas..don't know exactly why, but my O&G dulu ade cakap,bahan yg terkandung dlm nenas tu lebih kurang sama ngan chemical utk mencepatkan labour..
2. Tebu..yg ni pun xsure why, org tua2 kata tajam.ape yg tajam xtau la,so elakkan jela, just to be safe
3. kafein..huhu yg ni plg susah skali nak elakkan, esp. for a coffee lover like me! kesan secara langsung setakat ni not clear, but from what i read, pregnant woman who consume a lot of caffein tend to deliver prematurely. ade gak yg kate ade efek pd baby's growth..but the result is still inconclusive. utk selamat klu dah ketagih or mengidam, limit the intake, maximum 3 cups per day.
5. Ubat2an, jamu2 etc. kalau boleh dapatkan nasihat dr. b4 makan any ubat2an.sebab kite bukan arif in chemistry.utk org yg penakut like me,sakit tekak pun i went to dr. dulu, mintak ubat yg sesuai..hehe. better safe than sorry beb! stakat ni, sume dr. that i went to see said paracetamol 500 mg is safe for pregnant woman.utk jamu2 plak, ada yg amalkan makan some jamu/herba during pregnancy, and it helps to keep baby n mother healthy. terpulang, but for me, anak 1st ni takut gile nak mencuba2, so i stick to what dr. recommend only :)
6. Jeruk2..kalau boleh jgn makan byk sgt..sebab kite not sure ape chemical yg die letak utk preserve jeruk tu..
boleh rujuk wsite ni utk bacaan lanjut
C. Good practice:
1. Makan secara teratur, sederhana dan tak terlalu ikut nafsu,terutama yg ada diabetic patient dlm family, sugar intake kene jaga2, takut kene diabetis during pregnancy.unfortunately, i salah sorang yg ada menda ni (my dad is a diabetic patient and i eat too much sweet food during early pregnancy..hehe).bile dh didetect ada diabetis,penat wooo..kene jumpe dietitian, makan kene berdiet sihat. 2 minggu skali kene gi klinik, do BSP test:utk test kandungan sugar dlm darah,so kena amik darah 4 kali dlm 1 pg, tghari, ptg n malam kene gi klinik..serius bosan.
tp jgn makan sikit sgt lak, nanti baby xcukup zat, kesian baby! xyah nak jaga2 badan time pregnant, my dietitian said that nanti sume lemak2 yg terbina mase pregnant akan hilang menjadi susu masa kite breastfeed our baby. so don't worry! :)
2. Jaga kebersihan..terutama private area, takut kene jangkitan kuman, kencing kotor, etc. gigi pun kene jage, sebab pregnant woman mudah kene gingivitis.
3. Don't lift heavy stuff, don't stress yourself too much, don't do heavy work. tp jgn pemalas sgt, smpai asyik nak tidooo je :)
4. Amalkan membaca surah2 berikut: surah Yaasin, surah Maryam, surah at-Taubah, surah Yusuf, surah Luqman. walaupun baby belum lg boleh dengar awal2 ni, tp it's ok, biar baby tu membesar dengan ayat2 suci.amalkan membaca setiap hari, sampai baby dah lahir nanti.boleh psg mp3 quran, tp kite kene bacekan juga, biar baby membesar dgn mendengar suara mummy die bace quran :)
5. keep a close watch on your health n body. kalau notice ade something wrong such as bleeding, jgn tunggu, jgn tangguh, see a doctor!!
6. Rajin2kan diri membace buku,majalah,surf internet on pregnancy and baby growth :) there are abundance of info waiting to be read.
7. 1 more thing, dari segi regular check up, jumpe O&G bagus, tp paham2 jela klu jumpe dr. pakar ni, die xdela cek thoroughly sgt,sbb ramai patient die nak die punye advice mmg bagus, sebab pakar kan..and ultrasound scan die memang tip-top,clear, nampak baby dgn jelas, siap leh nampak jantung baby berdegup2..
klu gi klinik krjn lak,yg akan cek adlh nurse,tp dieorg check sgt thorough,silap sket je dierg akan refer to dr.semua menda dierg akan cek, from BP, to weight, to urine, to our tummy,baby heartbeat,keadaan kite pun die akan siasat gak,ade mslh or tidak. mmg teliti,tp masalah nak menunggu giliran jela..letih sket,lama menunggu, kena take timeoff from work :)as for me, pernah checkup at both pakar O&G n klinik kerajaan.
skrg ni cek kt klinik krjn je, sebab dekat ngan opis, n suka dgn ketelitian dieorg cek..lgpun bak kata nurse kt klinik tu, 'kt klinik krjn ni, kiteorg jaga kesihatan due2, baby dan ibu.' kes termakan kate2 nurse tu la ni..
ok la, byk dah tu, kalau ade lg teringat nnt i'll update.harap sedikit sebanyak membantu whoever reading this :) emmm, bile dah selesai bace tu, jgn lupe, doakan yg menulis ni selamat deliver her first baby ye :D
A. Must EAT!
1. Folic Acid - for baby's brain development, very important in early pregnancy
2. Milk - for calcium, if our calcium intake is insufficient, our baby will take the calcium they need from our bones, nanti tulang kite reput daaa..
3. Food rich in iron, such as daging, bayam, kerang etc. - to maintain our hemoglobin level(needed to prevent anemia) tp klu makan byk sgt, blh sembelit lak! so moderation is the key here..
B. Avoid eating these:
1. Nenas..don't know exactly why, but my O&G dulu ade cakap,bahan yg terkandung dlm nenas tu lebih kurang sama ngan chemical utk mencepatkan labour..
2. Tebu..yg ni pun xsure why, org tua2 kata tajam.ape yg tajam xtau la,so elakkan jela, just to be safe
3. kafein..huhu yg ni plg susah skali nak elakkan, esp. for a coffee lover like me! kesan secara langsung setakat ni not clear, but from what i read, pregnant woman who consume a lot of caffein tend to deliver prematurely. ade gak yg kate ade efek pd baby's growth..but the result is still inconclusive. utk selamat klu dah ketagih or mengidam, limit the intake, maximum 3 cups per day.
5. Ubat2an, jamu2 etc. kalau boleh dapatkan nasihat dr. b4 makan any ubat2an.sebab kite bukan arif in chemistry.utk org yg penakut like me,sakit tekak pun i went to dr. dulu, mintak ubat yg sesuai..hehe. better safe than sorry beb! stakat ni, sume dr. that i went to see said paracetamol 500 mg is safe for pregnant woman.utk jamu2 plak, ada yg amalkan makan some jamu/herba during pregnancy, and it helps to keep baby n mother healthy. terpulang, but for me, anak 1st ni takut gile nak mencuba2, so i stick to what dr. recommend only :)
6. Jeruk2..kalau boleh jgn makan byk sgt..sebab kite not sure ape chemical yg die letak utk preserve jeruk tu..
boleh rujuk wsite ni utk bacaan lanjut
C. Good practice:
1. Makan secara teratur, sederhana dan tak terlalu ikut nafsu,terutama yg ada diabetic patient dlm family, sugar intake kene jaga2, takut kene diabetis during pregnancy.unfortunately, i salah sorang yg ada menda ni (my dad is a diabetic patient and i eat too much sweet food during early pregnancy..hehe).bile dh didetect ada diabetis,penat wooo..kene jumpe dietitian, makan kene berdiet sihat. 2 minggu skali kene gi klinik, do BSP test:utk test kandungan sugar dlm darah,so kena amik darah 4 kali dlm 1 pg, tghari, ptg n malam kene gi klinik..serius bosan.
tp jgn makan sikit sgt lak, nanti baby xcukup zat, kesian baby! xyah nak jaga2 badan time pregnant, my dietitian said that nanti sume lemak2 yg terbina mase pregnant akan hilang menjadi susu masa kite breastfeed our baby. so don't worry! :)
2. Jaga kebersihan..terutama private area, takut kene jangkitan kuman, kencing kotor, etc. gigi pun kene jage, sebab pregnant woman mudah kene gingivitis.
3. Don't lift heavy stuff, don't stress yourself too much, don't do heavy work. tp jgn pemalas sgt, smpai asyik nak tidooo je :)
4. Amalkan membaca surah2 berikut: surah Yaasin, surah Maryam, surah at-Taubah, surah Yusuf, surah Luqman. walaupun baby belum lg boleh dengar awal2 ni, tp it's ok, biar baby tu membesar dengan ayat2 suci.amalkan membaca setiap hari, sampai baby dah lahir nanti.boleh psg mp3 quran, tp kite kene bacekan juga, biar baby membesar dgn mendengar suara mummy die bace quran :)
5. keep a close watch on your health n body. kalau notice ade something wrong such as bleeding, jgn tunggu, jgn tangguh, see a doctor!!
6. Rajin2kan diri membace buku,majalah,surf internet on pregnancy and baby growth :) there are abundance of info waiting to be read.
7. 1 more thing, dari segi regular check up, jumpe O&G bagus, tp paham2 jela klu jumpe dr. pakar ni, die xdela cek thoroughly sgt,sbb ramai patient die nak die punye advice mmg bagus, sebab pakar kan..and ultrasound scan die memang tip-top,clear, nampak baby dgn jelas, siap leh nampak jantung baby berdegup2..
klu gi klinik krjn lak,yg akan cek adlh nurse,tp dieorg check sgt thorough,silap sket je dierg akan refer to dr.semua menda dierg akan cek, from BP, to weight, to urine, to our tummy,baby heartbeat,keadaan kite pun die akan siasat gak,ade mslh or tidak. mmg teliti,tp masalah nak menunggu giliran jela..letih sket,lama menunggu, kena take timeoff from work :)as for me, pernah checkup at both pakar O&G n klinik kerajaan.
skrg ni cek kt klinik krjn je, sebab dekat ngan opis, n suka dgn ketelitian dieorg cek..lgpun bak kata nurse kt klinik tu, 'kt klinik krjn ni, kiteorg jaga kesihatan due2, baby dan ibu.' kes termakan kate2 nurse tu la ni..
ok la, byk dah tu, kalau ade lg teringat nnt i'll update.harap sedikit sebanyak membantu whoever reading this :) emmm, bile dah selesai bace tu, jgn lupe, doakan yg menulis ni selamat deliver her first baby ye :D
Monday, 12 May 2008
marking dah siap...yahu!
finally..after struggling for 5 days, I've finished marking all my students' final exam paper.lega rasanya. overall,hmmm...ok la kut,ade improvement from last sem. but still not up to my expectation. i expected more from them since most of them got good carry mark. well, maybe it's just not their rezki..yg penting,the number of failures are reduced compared to last sem..that's a good thing,considering i'm teaching a 'killer' subject.
after this got 2 more works to do before i take my leave:
1. TESLA.thank goodness miss fizz dah buat separuh dah b4 she go to her kursus (thanx).
2. Update the syllabus for my subject.
hmm...ape lg ye? rase mcm ade je lg keje yg kene dibuat b4 bercuti..xingat le pulak. xpelah, nanti2 ingat le tu.
wahhhh!!!!! i just remembered,this friday result ielts keluar..4 hari je lagi! alamak! berapa daa..i get?? panik+risau+takut+tak sabar nak dapat result. harap2 melepasi la minimum requirement..kalau xlepas kena amik lg skali..huhuhu xsanggup!
after this got 2 more works to do before i take my leave:
1. TESLA.thank goodness miss fizz dah buat separuh dah b4 she go to her kursus (thanx).
2. Update the syllabus for my subject.
hmm...ape lg ye? rase mcm ade je lg keje yg kene dibuat b4 bercuti..xingat le pulak. xpelah, nanti2 ingat le tu.
wahhhh!!!!! i just remembered,this friday result ielts keluar..4 hari je lagi! alamak! berapa daa..i get?? panik+risau+takut+tak sabar nak dapat result. harap2 melepasi la minimum requirement..kalau xlepas kena amik lg skali..huhuhu xsanggup!
Friday, 9 May 2008
to the greatest women ever
Mothers day is coming happy mother's day to my mom n my mom in law..hope that i can be as best mothers as you are :)
Mother o' Mine
If I were hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
a poem by Rudyard Kipling
Mother o' Mine
If I were hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
a poem by Rudyard Kipling
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
my baby

hehe..i should be doing my work right malas la..rehat sat balik dr klinik for regular checkup.surf2 internet, i found a website called Baby Gaga. it has lots of info on pregnancy, parenting and babies. that ticker up there, shows my baby's growth. currently she(or he, who knows) is 34 weeks old,kicking and rolling quite hard now.but i don't mind, as long as she's ok :)
hmm...about a month to go, before my baby comes out..i'm planning to deliver at my kampung in perak, but i have to go back early la if i wanted to do so. i plan to go back about two weeks earlier than my due date, tp td the nurse at the clinic said that i should be prepared as the baby can come out at any time after 36 weeks. so she suggested that i go back a month early! wow! that means that i have to take about 20 days leave! isy2...mane leh gitu. so i don't know how now..probably i just proceed with my original plan of going back 2 weeks early and hopefully my baby don't come out too early.tunggu ye baby..jadi org perak ye baby ye...hehe
Monday, 5 May 2008
dah abis pekse..back to work
IELTS exam dah selamat diduduki last saturday. overall, ok la kut..listening,reading n writing rasanya ok, cume bab speaking tu...bermasalah tul. rasanya mesti dpt rendah gile utk speaking. i don't know why, suddenly nervous giler,during speaking test. soalan simple pun susah nk jawab. grammar n vocab apetah lg, ke laut la jawabnye.hehe. hmm...hope i didn't do too bad on the test. result will only be known 2 weeks from now. berdebar2 menunggu result ni nnt..kalau dapat cukup2 makan, melepasi tahap minimum utk further studi ke UK pun dah syukur.but nevermine, what's done is done, dah bertawakkal, insyaAllah ada rezki, dptla result yg ok :)
Lepas exam sempat gak la jalan2 jap kt klcc,makan2 kt situ, then kiteorg trus balik rumah.on de way back, dkt2 terowong genting-sempah tu, ade pulak van terbakar.dasyat punye terbakar, asap berkepul2,smpai hangus! xtaula ape cite driver van tu, hopefully he/she was ok. then as usual,whenever there's an accident,traffic jam pun akan menyusul.yg jd mslhnye, our malaysian driver nih..teruk betul la some of them. bayangkan, when kereta bomba lalu, nk gi ke tmpt kejadian tu, adela dkt 10 buah kereta yg kurang ajar dok follow kete bomba tu, laju lak tu, nk tlg bomba padamkan api kut..? punyela tak sabarnye, nak cepatnye, selfishnya! smpai nyaris2 nak langgar kete2 kt tepi yg dok bg laluan kt kete bomba tu..bkn kete jer, moto pun sama! ade satu moto ni, terlanggar side mirror kete kiteorg..nsb baik xpatah! kalau patah,xtaula ape reaksi my husben. dasyat betul sebilangan m'sian drivers ni.. buruk betulla perangai! yg lebih mengejutkan, one of the kureng ajar car was driven by a woman! selama ni i thought drivers je yg kureng ajar ni biasenye lelaki,female driver pun ade gak ye,xsangka! nsb baik sebilangan kecil jer m'sian driver yg teruk camtu, mak abah die xajar cara respek people n cara bersabar kut.. pade yg slalu mengamalkan pemanduan ikut sesuka hati ni bawak2la insaf, belajarla bersabar, ingatla org lain same k..
this week n next week jadual dah pack dah, al maklumlah, aritu tangguh keje semata2 utk skrg ni menimbun2la keje yg menanti. ok, lets go back to work, and hopefully it can keep my mind's off from ielts for 2 weeks. wahhh.....takutnye nk tggu result!
Lepas exam sempat gak la jalan2 jap kt klcc,makan2 kt situ, then kiteorg trus balik rumah.on de way back, dkt2 terowong genting-sempah tu, ade pulak van terbakar.dasyat punye terbakar, asap berkepul2,smpai hangus! xtaula ape cite driver van tu, hopefully he/she was ok. then as usual,whenever there's an accident,traffic jam pun akan menyusul.yg jd mslhnye, our malaysian driver nih..teruk betul la some of them. bayangkan, when kereta bomba lalu, nk gi ke tmpt kejadian tu, adela dkt 10 buah kereta yg kurang ajar dok follow kete bomba tu, laju lak tu, nk tlg bomba padamkan api kut..? punyela tak sabarnye, nak cepatnye, selfishnya! smpai nyaris2 nak langgar kete2 kt tepi yg dok bg laluan kt kete bomba tu..bkn kete jer, moto pun sama! ade satu moto ni, terlanggar side mirror kete kiteorg..nsb baik xpatah! kalau patah,xtaula ape reaksi my husben. dasyat betul sebilangan m'sian drivers ni.. buruk betulla perangai! yg lebih mengejutkan, one of the kureng ajar car was driven by a woman! selama ni i thought drivers je yg kureng ajar ni biasenye lelaki,female driver pun ade gak ye,xsangka! nsb baik sebilangan kecil jer m'sian driver yg teruk camtu, mak abah die xajar cara respek people n cara bersabar kut.. pade yg slalu mengamalkan pemanduan ikut sesuka hati ni bawak2la insaf, belajarla bersabar, ingatla org lain same k..
this week n next week jadual dah pack dah, al maklumlah, aritu tangguh keje semata2 utk skrg ni menimbun2la keje yg menanti. ok, lets go back to work, and hopefully it can keep my mind's off from ielts for 2 weeks. wahhh.....takutnye nk tggu result!
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