Monday, 13 August 2007

KT... I'll be back!!

Last weekend we went to kuala t'ganu for cuti2 m'sia,we stayed there for 2 nights.
it was a lot of fun! we stayed at batu burok beach resort on the first night and at permai inn on the other night.

on the day we arrived, we makan angin along batu burok beach, ade pasar malam plak hari tu.. so we bought keropok lekor panas2 (yg sangat sedap), then we sat on the beach and ate it.yummy! then we went "window shpping" along the pasar malam sampai lenguh kaki.

that nite we had dinner at tropixx bistro. the food was great but the price is a little bit high.abis my duit..
next day we went to pasar payang..SHOPPING time!! the price was OK, cheaper than where i lived. i bought a lot of clothes such as kain batiks for my two moms, baju tidur batik, and kain songket. my husben bought 2 batik shirts and kain pelikats. it was fun (except when it was time to pay :)). then we had lunch at restoran terapung which was also a little bit expensive.

later that afternoon, we prayed zuhur and 'asar at the magnificent and beautiful masjid terapung.

then that nite, tired of eating expensive food, we went to chendering to find a cheaper food stall to have dinner. and we did find it, plus the food was great except that they put taugeh in beef soup, which i didn't really like.
finally, on the last day, after waking up late because it was raining that day, we went to the state museum, which was so huge!! it has 4 different blocks (if i'm not mistaken)..but we didn't finished touring the whole museum, because we were already tired after visiting two blocks, and want to go back home early.

then we went to Losong, to "borong" keropok leko n keropok keping.. i bought a lot of keropok, spent rm35 on keropoks :) (nak bawa balik kampung nanti..that's why i bought so much) the pakcik selling the keropok was very friendly, even gave free samples for us to try out..keropok lekor panas2 sangat sedappp!

after that we had lunch at kg Rusilla, prayed zuhur/asar at the beautiful masjid marang, then we head back to our home, with a trunk full of batik clothes and keropok lekor, and EMPTY pockets :(

overall it was tiring but was fun to see new places, it was fun to jalan2 cari makan, it was fun to see other people (mostly makciks) came in rombongan to visit KT, it was fun to eat keropok lekor, it was fun to walk by the beach, it was fun to see the beautiful view,and most importantly it was definitely fun to shop!

i don't know what exactly about KT that i liked, but i really2 like it. so in the future, i'll definitely go there again.. I'LL BE BACK!

ps:- i'll upload some pics of t'ganu soon


  1. besnye!! gi package ke drive sendrik? tringin sagnat nak gi terengganu, tak pernah jejak langsung pantai timur. Tp memikirkan nak drive ~8jam (wpun jadi co-pilot je....hheheh)dr kl ke terengganu tu yg malasnyeee... tp nak pegi gak satu hari nnt.sedapnye kopok leko panas2.. jadik lapar plak.

  2. kalau nk g t'ganu from kl, better singgah tido 1 mlm di cherating or kijal. then esoknye br gi KT.. tryla stay kat awana! tapi klu gi ganu, jgn luper, on de way tu kene singgah my house dulu yer ;)
